Thursday, April 4, 2013

Goodbye Captain...

Well Jason Pominville is now officially a member of the Minnesota Wild. Darcy Regier has already given multiple interviews following the trade and he keeps using the words "we" "we're" and "us"... Attaching himself to the future of our team, whilst he butchers the roster and rips the heart out of the fan base. The core of this team is gone, Lindy Ruff and Jason Pominville are just the first 2 of what is sure to be a BIG change in Sabre's hockey for years to come. There is no return or recovering from this, and the audacity of Terry Pegula to leave this man in charge and parade himself in front of the media is a perfect example of a young owner who is making rookie mistakes. Ted Black and Mr. Pegula are no where to be found, yet just a few months ago he was grinning like child meeting his idols soaking up camera opportunities with Lindy Ruff and Darcy Regier. Pominville gave his heart and soul to this hockey team and community, and this is how you repay him? By telling him first that there is no deal in the works and then that your just doing your job. How do you expect to sign top free agents in the future He's willing to trade the leader of his team to save his own job? Players are surely losing respect for the aging tenured GM and quite frankly this fan base is near lynch mob. He also claimed in his press conference tonight that the way to win is build around the draft and then add talent specialties through free agency and trades, saying that the sabres had never followed that formula before. When a reporter posed the fact that the sabres had done this with pominville, vanek, stafford, briere, drury, he thought about it and bashfully admitted they had used this formula before and it didn't work. So what leads anyone to believe that this story has any other ending?