Thursday, February 28, 2013

Game Time

              The Sabres take on the Florida Panthers tonight and for the first time in almost 3 weeks will try to win consecutive games. Ron Rolston appeared to have the boys putting together some good shifts in Tuesday's win against Tampa  I'm eager to see if it carries over into tonight. This is how teams start to rebuild that confidence. It starts with a good series of shifts, and hopefully translates into positive results. I don't expect Rolston to come out with a new game plan or try to out smart anyone, but I think what he really wants is to out work opponents. Win the small battles in the corners and races to pucks. He wants them to force the opponents to beat you, don't beat yourselves by cheating on plays or taking the easy way out. A'lot of the problems the team faces are players assuming they had help or outlets, but teammates not buying into the system.

           A few days ago I said we should be 2-1 in these 3 games.. Tonight we will see, but as hard as it is to think about playoffs now, if we dont win a few games over the next week or 2 the season is a wash. I much rather have the dim light at the end of the tunnel than the darkness that can be a lost season.

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