Thursday, April 4, 2013

Goodbye Captain...

Well Jason Pominville is now officially a member of the Minnesota Wild. Darcy Regier has already given multiple interviews following the trade and he keeps using the words "we" "we're" and "us"... Attaching himself to the future of our team, whilst he butchers the roster and rips the heart out of the fan base. The core of this team is gone, Lindy Ruff and Jason Pominville are just the first 2 of what is sure to be a BIG change in Sabre's hockey for years to come. There is no return or recovering from this, and the audacity of Terry Pegula to leave this man in charge and parade himself in front of the media is a perfect example of a young owner who is making rookie mistakes. Ted Black and Mr. Pegula are no where to be found, yet just a few months ago he was grinning like child meeting his idols soaking up camera opportunities with Lindy Ruff and Darcy Regier. Pominville gave his heart and soul to this hockey team and community, and this is how you repay him? By telling him first that there is no deal in the works and then that your just doing your job. How do you expect to sign top free agents in the future He's willing to trade the leader of his team to save his own job? Players are surely losing respect for the aging tenured GM and quite frankly this fan base is near lynch mob. He also claimed in his press conference tonight that the way to win is build around the draft and then add talent specialties through free agency and trades, saying that the sabres had never followed that formula before. When a reporter posed the fact that the sabres had done this with pominville, vanek, stafford, briere, drury, he thought about it and bashfully admitted they had used this formula before and it didn't work. So what leads anyone to believe that this story has any other ending?

Monday, April 1, 2013

The best way to kill a snake is to cut off the head.

Earlier today it was reported that Sabres captain Jason Pominville was asked to provide his list of 8 teams he would not waive his no movement clause for. Just a few hours later Robyn Regehr was moved to Los Angeles, whom along with TJ Brennan and Jordan Leopold became the 3rd defensemen traded this season by GM Darcy Regier.  Leopold and Regehr would be UFA's after this season and likely would have moved on as the Sabres appear be to amidst a rebuilding phase. I think these were necessary moves for Darcy Regier who is hoping to keep his job this summer, however axing Pominville may not be the best decision. Especially if your not getting a prospect along with a pick to possilby of replacing some of the 70 or so points Pominville has averaged the past 5 seasons in Buffalo. While you want to get as many pieces for the future as possible, at what cost are you willing to do so? Pominville and Vanek are 2 of the few contracts on Regier's recent resume that make sense. The blunders of Ville Leino, Drew Stafford and Tyler Myers aren't going any where, and the inability to retain top talent has littered his past, yet Terry Pegula continues to let this hazardous decision making continue. Part of being an owner or "boss" is knowing when enough is enough, and being able to see when someone in management is at their wits end pulling at straws. Regier is in survival mode, hes willing to part ways with the only valuable assets to this team, in an effort to save himself. I understand you have to be willing to sacrifice now to win later, but shouldn't the guy who's made these deals and dug this hole be first one to go. At least if you are going to ruin this team for the next 5 years let someone who isn't on life support do the decision making. Your not saving face or being "classy" by keeping this man around. After hes traded all the talent away and all that remains is the over paid and under performing few will be eager to join his squad. It's not as if Regier is amazingly successful in the draft as of late, 5 years ago we had a bunch of talent coming up through rochester/portland, thats not so much the case anymore. Of the past 3 draft classes Mikhail Girgorenko is the only player to record an NHL point for the sabres. So who should really be getting the axe... Darcy?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Top line shake up

           Lindy Ruff lost Jhonas Enroth somewhere along the line, and Ron Rolston appears to have found him. The Sabres back up net minder has stopped over 90 shots in his last 3 outings, averaging a SV% of .950 over the course of them. This is the Enroth that nearly scrapped together a playoff run when Ryan Miller went down 2 seasons ago.  Steve Ott's promotion to the top line, was rewarded not once but twice, including the game winner in OT. It's taken 30 games but breaking up the top line and spreading out some of the high talent players is something fans have been vocal about all year under Ruff. Pairing Pominville, Hodgson, Ott and Vanek, Ennis, Leino gives the Sabres a slightly different look, and forces the competition to play them a little differently. During the second period Thomas Vanek was hit by a shot and left the game. The energy Ott brings to the table is second to none, especially on this team. Something that spreads to guys like Pat Kaleta or youngsters Marcus Foligno and Brian Flynn, setting an example for the rest of the team that hard work pays off. So when a player of Vanek's caliber goes down, the next man up mentality has to kick in.

        With Thomas Vanek out tonight in Toronto due to a hip injury, the Sabre's are going to need that energy again. It wasn't lock down defense or smart possession play that won the game against Montreal, in fact between the end of the first period and 8 mins left in the game Buffalo registered only 3 shots on goal. For once it was winning puck battles in the gritty areas down deep, and out working the other team that put them on top. If they want to continue winning, with no Vanek, they will need the same type of effort, from everyone on the roster, lines 1-4. Miller back between the pipes and big John Scott is expected to fill Vanek's roster spot, leaving Nathan Gerbe a healthy scratch for the second game.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Guess who?

            There is a very good chance the Buffalo Sabres will go from having the same coach for 16 years to having 3 coaches in less than 12 months. Although its possible Mr. Rolston will turn the team around force Terry to keep him behind the bench for a while, I wanted to take a look at him and the other possible and somewhat probable candidates. I've also included links to their HockeyDB pages so you can check out their résumé's.

Ron Rolston

Let's start with the guy currently behind the bench, He got the call just 2 days ago, having less than 12 hours to prepare himself for his first NHL coaching appearance. The team hasn't helped him much, but Coach Rolston has held it together nicely, handling the media train fairly well for a coach in his position. He's spent 2 years behind the bench in Rochester coaching many of the same players he will in Buffalo, including Ryan Miller. Prior to that he spent 7 years working with US national team development program, getting teams ready for international tournaments, coaching his teams to 3 gold medals in the IIHF U-18's. He's also coached for Boston College. Ron Rolston brings to the table the seemingly limitless ability to progress and excel a young players career, which he has done countless times preparing players for the blue and gold. His hockey sense and simplistic approach may make it a little easier on the transition. If ownership decides to keep him in Buffalo they need to be sure of his ability to deal with superstar and professional talent. Ego's and attitudes are magnified especially in physical sports. Whether or not Rolston will handle them fluently, only time will tell. Although superstars weren't always far away, he is the older brother of Stanley cup winning Brian Rolston.

Phil Housley

Housley is an ex sabre captain, and NHL veteran. A Sabres first round draft pick in '82 who played with the team for 8 years, and spent 20 years in the league. Most recently he coached the U.S. juniors team a gold medal at the 2013 world juniors in Russia. Housley played with Ruff his entire time in Buffalo. His relationship with the team and his coaching career seemingly just beginning its hard not to connect the theoretical dots. Limited experience behind the bench leaves the possibility of assistant or associate at first. Maybe the core veterans on this team could use someone else who's been through it. 

Randy Cunneyworth

The first man on this list with previous Head Coaching experience is ex- Sabre and former Canadians interim head coach Randy Cunneyworth. Should the Sabres look at him, he would bring a gritty hardworking style behind the bench. Upon his retirement, he went straight to work on the Sabres' AHL coaching staff, where he was a head coach for nearly a decade, missing the playoffs just twice in 8 years. He then went to the Canadians AHL counterpart for 1 season leading them deep into the playoffs, and next season was promoted to assistant coach under Jacques Martin. When the Habs sputtered out of the gate, Cunneyworth got the call. He only coached 51 games and went 18-23, but was never truly given a fair shake. Not speaking french or being Canadian made him easily unlikable to a rabid fan base who's team was in disarray. A fact GM Pierre Gauthier solidified when upon the coaches promotion, apologized to the Canadians fans for Cunneyworth being American/speaking English. Cunneyworth's close ties to Buffalo and AHL coaching career should make the list.

Franchise ties aside, I'd like to take a look at some outside possibilities. Bringing in someone completely new wouldn't be a terrible thing. Assessing candidates on their outside accomplishments without the blinders of them being an ex-player might be just what the doctor ordered.  Also these are all re-treads, I personally would prefer someone with some NHL coaching in their background, however I think the Sabres will go with new blood.

First up Scott Gordon, the current Toronto Maple Leafs asst coach and ex NY Islanders head coach was a stud in the AHL. Consistently taking the Providence Bruins to winning records and playoff appearances. However his start in the NHL was shaky at best coaching the teams that GM Garth Snow and owner Charles Wang scraped together. But I wont fault Gordon for that, the leafs wasted no time scooping him up the next season.

Paul Maruice, I know there is no chance in hell this is going to happen. The ex Hurricanes coach is happy behind the bench of KHL's Metallurg Magnitogorsk. However he's stated he would return to the NHL in the right situation with the right offer. If it happens I'd imagine he wouldn't be in a head coaching position anyway.

Patrick Roy, that's right. The man himself. Currently head coach of the Quebec Remparts in the QMJHL. When Lindy was fired Roy's agent commented on how he would like to explore options in the NHL. I don't know what to think about this but you never know, and its definitely worth mentioning.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

CoHo last minute dangles not enough .. car 4-3 buf

CoHo dangles not enough
          The sabres were back to their old ways Tuesday night and even a slick dangle from Cody Hodgson was to little to late. Being sloppy in their own end and only showing up for half a game isn't what won them 3 games in a row, or what sparked them to score a shorthanded goal against the Rangers down 2-1 in the 3rd to tie it up, stealing a point. Ryan Miller looked exhausted he needs to rest, 14 straight starts including 3 games in the past 4 nights have taken their toll on the goaltender. But the team can't continue to take shifts or entire periods off, and expect things to turn around on their own. Twice tonight poor shifts right after scoring lead to goals for the hurricanes and took away any momentum that appeared to be building. Ron Rolston has his hands full trying to deal with the poor decision making that usually ends up in the back of our own net. Rotating D-men in and out every game doesn't help, whether due to injury or coaches decisions. 

        That said the Sabres are 3-1-1 in their last 5 and have been playing better. Vanek returned from injury and appeared to hurt his hand in the game, no mention in the post game though. TJ Brennan who recorded a 108 mph slap shot during the AHL skills competition, netted his first of the season at the end of a 5-3 powerplay. I'd like to see him quarterback the powerplay more often as Myers has proven to be ineffective in that role. Sabres will hop a flight to NJ and get right back at it Thursday, maybe playing a team they recently beat will give them confidence going into the game. And lets not forget Ryan Miller and devils forward Adam Henrique chirping at each other just a few nights ago.

Where has hockey gone?

        I'm not sure what to think about the Patrick Kaleta suspension. It didn't surprise me, that a repeat offender would get suspended for such a hit. But the amount of hate the man is taking for if anything was a light shove is ridiculous. It bothers me that their is a double standard of being judged by what team you play for and how big your market is. Tyler Ennis took 2 hits from both Rick Nash and Dan Girardi, that were if judged by impact to the body or head, worse than the Richards hit. But because Dan Girardi plays in New York and Tyler Ennis isn't a "superstar" he only gets a boarding call. Perhaps Ennis should've laid strewn across the ice, giving an oscar worthy acting performance like Richards. The league continually decides its suspensions by market size and uses smaller markets as punching bags. And to give an idea of who the league is appeasing I saw some ranger fans on twitter saying its " the worst hit I've ever seen ". I have a hard time understanding that, if they had any knowledge of the games past they would know far darker events lurk in the NHL's recent past. Chara on Pacioretty, Cooke on Savard, Bertuzzi on Moore. Let's not forget this is the same game Scott Stevens played. I know it's one of your star players but have we forgotten what game were playing? You decide..

Remember the only suspension in any of these hits was Kaleta and it was 5 games.

Monday, March 4, 2013

The wheels haven't fallen off.. yet

       So somehow the Sabres held it together this weekend, it wasn't perfect by any means, but we beat the Devils, then went into MSG and stole a point. We totally should've lost the game even though we out played the Rangers most of the game. We took a penalty and Pat Kaleta sneezed on Brad Richards sending him violently into the boards making it a 5 on 3 and earning a misconduct. The rags scored 2 on the ensuing powerplay and the Sabres were down a goal. Nathan Gerbe would pull the Sabres back even short-handed with nine seconds left in the penalty. Sending the sabres into their 2nd extra period in 2 nights. Sabres got a powerplay in OT but could not capitalize. Ryan Miller playing his 13th straight and 2nd of back to back shootouts did not have the gas left, and the shooters did nothing to help his cause as lundqvist made saves on Pominville and Ennis. I like that the team showed the grit to get back in the game after taking the bad penalties and allowing 2 goals. This team is learning how to roll with the punches, and possibly face another one as we're waiting to hear about the Kaleta hit, Brendon Shanahan and him will have a phone conversation at 3pm EST.
          More important was the first game of the weekend against the New Jersey Devils, the last home game before a road trip the Sabres wanted to impress. The game was alot more physical than expected, Kaleta got under Kovalchuk's skin right away and forced him to take a bad penalty, how ever the 2 times the Sabres got on the powerplay in the first we took penalties and nullified them. The team played better in the 2nd which we're known for going to sleep during and stuck it out to OT. Captain Jason Pominville scored twice and really carried us, Hodgson assisted on his 2 goals. Adam Henrique got a break away shorthanded on Ryan Miller early in the third and burried it. In the shoot out Pominville scored, Illya Kovalchuk missed and Ennis scored. Leaving it up to Henrique who had beat Miller earlier in the night, not this time though, as Miller would bait the Glove and take it away. He even had a few words for Mr. Henrique.. I think it went something like this, Music coutesousy of Ryan Millers subconscious.
Don't come around here no more Mr. Henrique... Next time were coming to you. Sabs will be in Carolina Tuesday and in New Jersey Thursday 2 winable contests, I'd really like to see the point streak continue..

Friday, March 1, 2013

Hey, it could happen...

    So I know I'm going out on a limb here but it could happen. We really do have a chance to win 3 in a row. Saturday afternoon the Sabres face the New Jersey Devils(10-6-4) who started strong but have been going through their own troubles as of late. 4-5-1 in their last 10 and 4-4-1 on the road, sounds eerily similar to the Sabres home record. I expect Ryan Miller to get his 12th consecutive start, and back up Jhonas Enroth who hasn't played since Feb. 5th, to start Sunday against the Rangers. Should make for an interesting weekend of hockey.  I'm sure Miller is eager to get some wins, and it will be the last chance for almost 2 weeks to impress a somewhat rabid fanbase, as the Sabres begin a 4 game 10 day road trip Sunday.

UPDATE:Vanek has been ruled out for Saturdays game, with an upper body injury. This is news to me. It seems anytime we face must win situations one of our players miraculously gets injured. From Miller all the way back to Hasek. Time to stand up Drew Stafford, Tyler Ennis and Cody Hodgson. I would add Tyler Myers to that group, but I think his game is slowly coming around hes a +2 in his last 5 games and has been staying out of the box. Maybe less ice time is helping him sort out his game, the points will come. I still think we end up 1-1 after Sunday, unless Vanek's injury keeps him out tomorrow, and is more serious than it appears.

   Also I'd like anyone reading this to check out my buddies blog @ Likes to write about Islanders and Sabres but you might see him post about anything sports related. I plan on joining our blogs together in the near future, which was the main plan but that got a little derailed. Even good for a laugh once in a while as I was in a zombie like state after a long day at work and this picture brought me out of it. 

    Other games I'll be keeping tabs on:  Pens@Habs & OTT@NYI i hope pens and isles whoop our divisional rivals.

Prediction: 1-1 for the weekend ... I don't see Miller losing unless the team completely gives up. But its highly probable Enroth gets a start making it REALLLY hard to see us winning both games. I'd be happy to go
1-0-1 and sneak 3 pts out of it.

Why New York Islanders fans need to ease up on Rick Dipietro

ex-coach Ted Nolan, owner Charles Wang, Rick DiPietro and GM Garth Snow.
      Recently Islanders goal-tender Rick Dipietro made some pretty startling comments about whats its been like for him over the past 6 years on Long Island. There is no doubt in my mind that a'lot of the hatred NY Islanders fans have spewed at the former all-star goaltender is warranted. Brought on by a controversial deal made by GM Garth Snow locking up Dipietro for over 15 years paying $67.5 million. A 15 year deal for a goal tender is preposterous to begin with, fans and analysts began to question the deal almost immediately. Fears were brought to life when Dipietro suffered a hip injury while mic'd up during the 2008 all star game at the skills competition. And a series of injuries and bad circumstance bring us to today, 4 years later with less than 50 games played.

      But I'm not here to jump on that bandwagon, in fact I think a'lot of what the fans blame Dipi for is really the fault of owner Charles Wang and GM Garth Snow, and the ability or lack there of to replace or maintain talent. The Islanders highest single season goal producer in the last 6 years is Jason Blake who had a 40 goal campaign in the 06-07 season at age 33. The Islanders failed to retain him the following season, at a reasonable asking price he went to the leafs and continued to prove he had 2 50-60 pt seasons left in him. Along with Blake Veteran's Ryan Smyth, Tom Poti and Viktor Kozlov all left the team, To replace them Snow brought in seasoned veteran Bill Guerin, Mike Comrie and Ruslan Fedotenko. In the 07-08 season no player would score over 50 pts and in 08-09 only newly acquired Mark Streit would record over 40 pts. They went from having 5 players with over 50 pts in 06-07, to 1 between 07-08, 08-09. It's taken 5+  years to develop home grown talent into those replacements via John Tavares, Matt Mouslon, Kyle Okposo and Michael Grabner. Goal-tending cant help you if your not putting the biscuits in the basket. Perhaps Islander fans have forgotten Dwayne Roloson made a stop here too, as well as Marty Biron and Joey Macdonald. Roloson left the Islanders at 6-10-1 only to go to the Lightning  and go 18-12-4 the same season, and win 10 games in the playoffs.

       Also all the blame for being a waste of cap space, this only matters when your team is spending to the cap limit. The Islanders are in constant battles to even hit the cap floor. Even going as far as to sign Tim Thomas who will never play a game for them just to avoid cap penalties. Islanders ownership is probably happy Dipietro's still a cap hit or they would be in real trouble. In fact signing Thomas is what enabled them to send Ricky down to the minors, ironic don't you think? The Islanders have over $16 million in cap space and Dipietro would be a $2.3 million dollar cap hit. So when your at your next Islanders or Sound Tiger games, perhaps you should think before spewing hate. Maybe think about the decisions that really got this team where it is and not make a scapegoat for who really dug this hole.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Game Time

              The Sabres take on the Florida Panthers tonight and for the first time in almost 3 weeks will try to win consecutive games. Ron Rolston appeared to have the boys putting together some good shifts in Tuesday's win against Tampa  I'm eager to see if it carries over into tonight. This is how teams start to rebuild that confidence. It starts with a good series of shifts, and hopefully translates into positive results. I don't expect Rolston to come out with a new game plan or try to out smart anyone, but I think what he really wants is to out work opponents. Win the small battles in the corners and races to pucks. He wants them to force the opponents to beat you, don't beat yourselves by cheating on plays or taking the easy way out. A'lot of the problems the team faces are players assuming they had help or outlets, but teammates not buying into the system.

           A few days ago I said we should be 2-1 in these 3 games.. Tonight we will see, but as hard as it is to think about playoffs now, if we dont win a few games over the next week or 2 the season is a wash. I much rather have the dim light at the end of the tunnel than the darkness that can be a lost season.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Bryzgalov turns to the dark side

Also on a side note, I'm no flyers fan and bryzy is a bit of a head case.. but this is still a bad ass mask.. best mask ive seen in a loonnnnnng time.. most are so cluttered now.  Admittedly its nostalgic to me, but really who isnt Star Wars nostalgic too in one way or another. Once a geek always a geek! Stay classy, Mr. Bryzgalov.

2012-2013 NHL arena beer price report

          Here it is folks, the good the bad and the ugly of booze prices. 
I'm proud to say up in Buffalo the beer flows like the falls of Niagra, 
ranking among the best bang for your buck an ice cold 20 oz beer
ran $7.00. No wonder pens fans love Mario, 16 oz for $5.00. Also how
about Jimmy Dolan in Madison Square Garden, a 20 oz beer in one of most
historic buildings the league with a billion dollar transformation in the works,
$7.50. I applaud you Jimmy D.

        Now here's where it gets ugly... Take a look at that bottom
row. Nassau Coliseum my local arena clocking in at $9.50 for a 20 oz.
Really?? Now I risk being struck by falling debris, asbestos poisoning 
and expose my wallet to $9.50 a brew?? I'll pass.... Also how about the
louis in Detroit? They pack that house and still have to charge you $6 for a 12 oz

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Oh Darcy, My Darcy

            So all this talk about coaches and new management in Buffalo is starting to shift focus from ex coach Lindy Ruff to current GM Darcy Regeir.  Mr. Regeir appears to have a fairly impressive resume, lets take a closer look. He took over for John Muckler in the summer of 1997, along with that came a whole plethora of problems. Then superstar goaltender Dominick Hasek was fueding with coach Ted Nolan. Nolan was coming off a Jack Adam's winning coaching campaign whilst Hasek was dominating the league, earning his nickname "The Dominator". It all boils down to Hasek siding with ex GM Muckler over head coach Ted Nolan, which led to Hasek possibly faking an injury during the playoffs costing the city its best chance at a Stanley cup. Darcy's first decision as General Manager was his head coach. He axed Ted Nolan in an attempt to satisfy his superstar goalie and bring solidarity to the locker room. Enter Lindy Ruff, exit Ted Nolan. 2 years later the team makes a run to the finals only to be expelled by a Dallas Stars team. His only Stanley cup final is from a team he had little to do with building, outside of hiring Lindy and bringing in Jason Wooley.

            Since then we have made the playoffs 6 times and missed the playoffs 6 times. When we had competitive teams he was unable to keep them together. Blame ownership all you want, but you cant fire an owner. Surviving numerous ownership changes, with the same results, early successes that he had little to do with. The talent he has brought in at high cap hits is questionable at best. Brad Boyes, Ville Leino, Tim Connolly, Craig Rivet, all come to mind. I mean where is this great track record? What am i missing? Zubrus? Lalime? Tyler Myers and Leino are costing us a combined 10 mil cap hit and have scored combined 1 goal. Thats right 10 million per goal, Vanek must feel short-changed.

            My point is more change is coming. A franchise can not survive so many bad decisions. Financial liabilities are often the first to go in these situations. It's no secret Darcy has made some financial blunders over the past few years, now its really starting to show. Even mismanagement of our home grown talent is hurting us Tyler Myers is over paid and under qualified, Drew Stafford is struggling to produce while bringing in top talent dollars. I really hope we can turn it around, but even if we did I still see the same holes, the same skid marks left from years of negligent spending.

Friday, February 22, 2013

TOR 3 - 1 BUF

      It would've been nice to see a spark in the team since their coach just lost his job in partly due to their play. So while I sympathize that to most of them Lindy was the only pro coach they ever had, they needed to at least show the team still has the fight and will to win. Ryan Miller said in the post game the team needed to "start with the simplest things you can do". I cant imagine Ron Rolston has had an easy 48 hours. Taking over a team trying to mask its disarray.
       4 games in the next 8 nights with no back to backs may be the best part of the schedule to take over. Ryan Miller is still on his game, as is Vanek. But where is Drew Stafford? Where is Ville Leno? Where is Tyler Myers?
        Next up is the Islanders, whom I have to say, still are worse off than the sabres. Then next week the Lightning and the Panthers, should be a 2-1 swing. Yeah Right...... gonna be a long weekend.

First time for everything

         For the first time tonight I watched my Buffalo Sabres with out the man I thought was indestructible, Lindy Ruff. Usually with the change of coaches comes new culture and often a shot of hope to the fan base. Except not this time, Rolston comes in as a well established AHL coach. Known for his ability to progress a players career to the next level. Touted  mainly for winning 3 gold medals in IIHF U-18 Championships. If the Sabres were a young team like the Oilers or Islanders I could see the connection. But as a team with an aging core, the second highest payroll in hockey, and a slew of players in make or break years this change is little more than a band aid. Perhaps Mr. Pegula is shortening the leash on Darcy a little bit, covering all bases in case he has to make a GM change. Even worse would be bringing in a new coach under Regier and then being stuck with him once you part ways with the GM. So I think I get it, however that wont lessen the blow to the fan base  The fan base that is paying for tickets at the highest price hike in the league. The fan base that stuck through bad ownership with sub par production and still came out and filled the building. The same fan base who hasn't pitchforked, witch hunted or martyrized a coach or gm in 15+ years. We have been through bad contracts, diva goaltenders, hints of bankruptcy. Yet were still here. Currently off to a  6-11-1 start to a lockout shortened season, still here. If Ron Rolston cant turn it around and the team continues to sputter the fan base is likely to go nowhere. But at some point the return the fan is getting has to rise. You want to charge obscene amounts of money to go to a game,  buy a jersey or eat a hot dog. Now show me why I'm paying this much. Right now were footing the spending spree of a Billionaire's fantasy to run a hockey team.